Enforcement and bankruptcy law means that a person takes his right not by force, but by force by the state. In this sense, we can say that enforcement law is one of the ways of legal protection. Such a right is a public right that the state is responsible for. Enforcement law is a technical branch of law and contains many formal rules. The principle of effective follow-up and the timings are of great importance. There are some rights and responsibilities of the creditor and debtor. If these rights and responsibilities are not fulfilled in due time, loss of rights may occur. For this reason, we recommend that you seek litigation and consultancy services from the lawyers of our office regarding the following transactions arising from the enforcement and bankruptcy law.

  • Actions for Annulment of Objection
  • Lawsuit to Recover Property
  • Negative Declaratory Action
  • Eviction Cases
  • Requesting Bankruptcy
  • Provisional Seizure
  • Action of Replevin
  • Bankruptcy Cases
  • Concordat Cases
  • Invoice, Check, Promissory Note etc. Enforcement Proceedings of Receivables