Our office provides consultancy services to its clients on all kinds of criminal charges, complaints, prosecution and investigation stages, prosecution and criminal proceedings, and represents them in criminal courts as both the defendant and the complainant.

In this direction; preparation of a complaint petition and its annexes, being present during the taking of statements at the law enforcement and prosecutor's offices, being the defendant and the complainant in the Heavy Penal Courts, Penal Courts of First Instance and Criminal Courts of Peace, Objecting to the decisions of non-prosecution given by the Prosecutor's Office, making an application to the appeal or higher level courts, detainees and convicts in prisons We represent our clients on their visits.

We provide the following services to our clients within the scope of criminal law;

  • Attorney of the victim or complainant in the criminal case,
  • Objection to protection measures such as capture, seizure, search and detention,
  • Submitting eviction requests to the court at all stages of the criminal case,
  • Appeals, appeals and applications for rectification of the decision,
  • Criminal cases in which the Heavy Penal Court is in charge,
  • Criminal cases in which the Penal Court of First Instance is in charge,
  • Criminal Courts of Peace,
  • Applications for problems arising from execution law and prison practices.