Compulsory Mediation in Rental Disputes Started!

Upon the publication of the Law on Amendments to the Execution and Bankruptcy Law and Certain Laws in the Official Gazette on 05.04.2023, the disputes with compulsory mediation as a condition of litigation, with an effective date of September 1, 2023, will be addressed as "Regarding the evacuation of rented immovable properties through execution without a judgment in accordance with the Law No. 2004" "Disputes arising from the lease relationship, excluding the provisions." has been added.




Sale of Real Estate Before Not...

The amendment made to the Notary Public Law numbered 1512 regulated that, real estate sale agreements, which c...

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Rental Increase Rates for Resi...

With the provisional article added to the Turkish Code of Obligations No. 6098 ("TCO") by the Law No...

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How to use Right to Seek New E...

Indefinite-term employment agreements can be terminated by complying with notice periods, unless either party ...

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