
Our experts, working with your experts, determine the training needs of your institution and can prepare the most suitable training program for you. Training can take place at your own facilities or in a training hall of your choice.

You can apply to for our references and requests.

Eğitim verilen bir kısım konular:

Labour Law

Educational Subjects: Basic Principles of Labor Law; Definition of Worker, Employer, Work Relationship and Workplace; Purpose and Scope of Labor Law; Employment Contract and Types, Typical Content; Fee; Working Hours - Overtime; Flexible Working Times; Annual Leave and permits; Debts of the Employer and the Employer; Prohibition of Discrimination in the Workplace; Subcontractor; Employer representative; Workplace Application; Work Accident and Responsibility Arising from Work Accident; Termination of the Employment Contract; Types of Termination; Issues to be Considered in Termination; Notice and Severance Pay; In general, trainings are given to the Human Resources unit of the companies on the Obligations of the Employer and the Employer in terms of Occupational Health and Safety and other issues.

Protection of Personal Data;

Personal data protection training; It is the practical and theoretical teaching of KVKK and other legislation provisions and board decisions to the requesting persons and companies for a certain period of time or in a short period of time. In this training, in which the most common situations that will be encountered in practice are discussed, it is tried to develop KVKK awareness and the ability to produce solutions in the face of concrete events.

Training Participant Goals; To be informed about the legal regulations in Türkiye and the World; Learning the definition of personal data; To learn the approach to be applied on the processes and systems involving personal data; Learning personal data protection law practices.

Educational subjects; Legislation; Global Legislation; Turkish Legislation; Scope of Personal Data; Definition of Personal Data and Sensitive Data; Processing of Personal Data; Storage of Personal Data; Compliance Requirements for the Protection of Personal Data; Data Collection; Privacy Impact Analysis; Consent Requirements; Data Retention Obligations; Data Anonymization Techniques.