
Attorneys in our office work as expert mediators registered with the Ministry of Justice for the settlement of disputes with the shortest and most effective method. In this context, they have been providing mediation services since 2016, having completed their specialization training as registered mediators.

One of the advantages of adopting the mediation system is that it reduces the workload of the judiciary. Disputes can be resolved through mediation without going to court, without the need for the court to decide. The agreement with mediation is in the nature of a court decision and no lawsuit can be filed on the same issue in the future.

Mediation preserves the relations between the parties. Since it is a friendly solution on the basis of mediation, it prevents the existing relations from getting worse and ensures the recovery of the broken relations. Since the parties maintain communication in mediation, they have a high chance of finding a common solution that suits their wishes. Since the common interests of the parties are taken into consideration, a win-win relationship is established, not a winner-win-win-lose relationship on the other side.

Mediation provides quick resolution. While the cases that are the subject of the case are resolved by the court in eight months at the earliest, and four years on average, the result can be reached in a few hours to a maximum of one week in mediation.

Mediation is economical. There are no costs, attorney fees and litigation expenses that must be incurred during the lawsuit, and mediation ensures that the parties reach a solution with reasonable fees.

Mediation is confidential. Opinions, documents, proposals and confessions put forward in mediation are confidential. For this reason, the parties can discuss every issue in the negotiation process without hesitation.

In mediation, the control of the process is in the hands of the parties. The mediation process is a completely voluntary process.